I have been a Registered Piano Technician (RPT) in the Piano Technicians Guild (PTG) since 1988 and have served as an instructor and officer in the local chapter as well as an instructor at the state and national level. In mid–career I attended Yamaha’s Little Red School House training program in California and I continue to do extensive research in piano design. I was fortunate to be mentored in piano technology early in my career by the late Joe Congelio and Ed Woods, two outstanding technicians and friends, and I continue this great tradition by now serving as a mentor to other technicians. I am married and have two wonderful sons. I grew up in Tampa, Florida, and returned to Tampa to start my business in 1984 after receiving a bachelor’s degree in music education at Longwood College in Virginia. If you have any inquiries please call or email me and I will be happy to answer your questions. Welcome to my website! Here you will find information about me and the services I provide. McKaig Piano Service McKaig Piano Service Bill McKaig, RPT Specializing in Restoration and Repair | 813–831–4179

Information - Concerts, News,FAQs, Archives. Organs - Electronic (B3 etc.), Pipe, Theatre.
Who's Who - Professional Pianists on Piano World Member Recordings - Non Classical Pianist CornerĮVENTS! Piano Concerts, Recitals, Competitions.įun Stuff! - Parties, Tours, Projects & More.įorum Members Parties, Tours, Cruises, & M. MY NEW PIANO or KEYBOARD! - Share Your Story! I am a great believer in promoting local businesses, especially small ones, especially when they do a good job.ĭigital Pianos - Electronic Pianos - Synths &a. He doesn't know this yet, but I will tell him when he comes. My new to me piano tuner will get a review when he comes to tune my piano on the 20th. For $20 or $25 a year it's money well spent. I have been a member for a long time, and I always consult Angie's List when I have a need for services or am considering a large purchase. I believe that if the business is not currently in their database they will call and collect information so it can be presented with the business's listing on Angie's List. The review will not be posted until it has been vetted, so it's not like you can submit a review and have it posted immediately.

When the member submits a review, it is vetted by the staff and any questions that might exist are addressed to either the member or business at that time. If you're not familiar with Angie's List, the only way a business can get on it is to be reviewed by a member. When a customer submits a review, good or bad, staff from Angie's List typically contacts the business to verify the work was done, as I understand it. Just being nice to people has tremendous clout in this day and age when other people can only see their bottom line or can't spare a moment of their day to help someone. About 20 minutes later he called back thanking me again, and then booked an appointment to tune his wifes piano. I gave him a few minutes of my time suggesting things like checking fuzes, contacting the makers service reps, and the phone number of a local MITA tech who may be able to assist him. Yesterday, I got a call from a fellow who needed his DP repaired and he had already called a half dozen piano techs who all blew him off with the "I only work on acoustics" line. We are rarely dealing with faceless people and usually get to meet them in person, this garners a closer relationship between us and the customer than some agent on the end of a phone. The partial explanation for the selected services in the article was that "They’re personalized services in which the providers listen to their customers to determine what they want and then they find the best way to deliver that."